A blog about a man who grew up during the console wars and lived to procreate.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mini-post: Eye of the Beholder

In the grand gaming tradition of mini-bosses, mini-games, and mini-quests I thought it'd be good to add some mini-posts when i get a chance.  Today a snippet if my life.  I have been seeing a doctor for the past 3 weeks for a stye (which is an eye lid infection much like a pimple).  I just had a procedure to hopefully get it cleared out, but the thing that surprised me was what I was afraid of.

Being part hypochondriac, I of course always extrapolate to the worst possible scenario when it comes to any possible disease.  In this case, the loss of my sight in one eye (which is totally not a possibility, but my brain does what it will).  The weird thing (and the reason I am posting here) is that I did not lament necessarily the possible loss of my sight.  No, I instead was worried that I would not be able to enjoy the 3D gaming that currently exists and that will exist in the future.

Priorities...I have them.

1 comment:

  1. Nik, in the future we will interact with games... WITH OUR MINDS.
