A blog about a man who grew up during the console wars and lived to procreate.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not sure if...

So a moderately recent Reddit meme has hit a little too close to home:
Not sure if buying games because I want to play them or if I just like collecting them.
About a year ago someone asked this of me and I totally blew it off saying something about how I was totally playing everything I had and was just on temporary hiatus for some games. Well now it has been about a year since I played Fallout 3, and even though I still get flashbacks of fighting giant zombies every time I brush Gab's teeth, I still can't bring myself to settle into a session after I put the kids to bed. I have this thing against playing large games like that without having a solid 2 hrs or more to devote to it...I know it's just a excuse...I guess part of me feels guilty that I haven't played those games in so long, or maybe it's fear of forgetting where I was and needing to start over.

Anyway, back to the collecting thing. So before I only had a few games that I was in the middle of playing, but I was always active in some instance. Today I find myself with more games than I care to list on hold (including Fallout 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Valkyria Chronicles, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World The Videogame, Halflife 2, Zelda 3DS, Zelda Minish Cap, Zelda Spirit Tracks, and I'm sure a few more) but also a handful of games I haven't even played (some with the wrapper still on them). And these are good games too: Valkyria Chronicles 2, Braid, and Infamous.

This is not to say I haven't played any new games. I sit here with Mario Kart Wii on the screen, waiting to be played when I finish this post. I have recently beat Portal 2, and before that Final Fantasy 13. Gab always loves watching me play Space Channel Number 5. The things these games seem to have in common is either the ability for more than one person in the family to enjoy these games, or the ability to play these games in short 5 minute bursts. Such is the life of the gamer dad, but I have one ally whom my brother discovered when he was the same age I am now: the bargain bin. With it's help, I will be able to collect the epic games of our time for the future mystical day when I can play games in my man cave to my hearts content. I am guessing somewhere around where Adrien enters high school or when I retire.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the club! :) Though I'm assuming you've been in it for a while.

    I'm still collecting. I bought Stalker: Clear Sky the other day for $4.99 on Steam... Because I remember thinking about playing it when it was released. At $4.99, why the heck not, right?

    The bargain bin, specifically the Steam bargain bin, has been great. Though, I'd still like to get around to playing the first Bioshock. I think I may have purchased it 2-3 Christmases ago for $5. Still haven't touched it.
