So I sit down and have a desperate craving for a gaming experience. My son is asleep (likely only for 10 minutes), my wife is desperate for me to wash dishes or clean or mow the lawn or fix the shower or some other such house holdy action, and my daughter wants to spend time with me but has the attention span of...well a 2 year old (about 5 minutes unless it's a TV show). Actually, as an aside, how come kids can watch a Disney movie for 2 hrs but if you ask them to watch you play Super Mario World somehow it's boring...Anyway where was I...oh yeah, gaming in 5 minutes.
Well lucky for me Pac Man Championship Edition DX is all about gaming in 5 minutes and it seems like it wants to cram in every possible game type and style into those 5 minute chunks. Seriously it's like Namco took Tron, Max Payne, Metal Gear Solid, Bomber Man, and Katamari Damacy and had them all mate with Mrs Pac Man in some weird...well we don't have to go there. Not sure how that works?
Tron: This one is a tripple hit with a light cycle type train of ghosts, glowy special effects, and a techno background track that is really quite catchy.
Max Payne: If you get too close to a ghost you get bullet time to let you react, but with how fast things get this eventually becomes not as helpful as it sounds.
Metal Gear Solid: The stage is now covered with sleeping ghosts who go on alert and join in on your ghost love train when you pass them.
Bomber Man: Pac Man now has bombs. Enough said.
Katamari Damacy: Ok this one is a stretch since I was having trouble thinking of a game where the stage opens up to different areas as you complete collections...but that's what it does.
What ends up happening is the game degenerates into a twitch fest of following pre-determined pellet trains, and frankly I am cool with that. Normal stages last for 5 minutes where you try and get as many points as possible in that time. The stages end with a neat visualization of points obtained over time, presumably so really obsessive players can maximize their point slope or some such nonsense. By this time my daughter is asking that I play Pac Man with her, by which she means I run away while she chases me saying "Wata wata wata wata" (she's not so good at her k sounds yet).
For this game I give it...wait...what is my rating system? Zombied kids? Beer glasses? Supportive wife faces? I'm gonna have to think about this one. For now, let's say that this is one of the few games I have actually purchased from the PS3 network, so I give it $10.
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